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On the left
None of them
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On the right
| |
Either side is fin
When you have three lanes of traffic all going in the same direction which lane is best for passing?

None of them
The far left lane
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The far right lane
| |
The center lane
When you have the right of way you should:

Stop for 3 seconds then proceed
| |
Wait until everyone has gone to avoid an accident
| |
Proceed carefully
| |
Sound you horn then proceed

Call the policeman's attention to the red light
| |
Wait for the light to turns green
| |
Obey the policeman's signal and proceed
| |
Stop to make sure he wants you to go through
If a tire blows out:

Use your horn to warn other vehicles
| |
Apply heavy braking
| |
Keep foot on brake and steer to right
| |
Concentrate on steering
Which of the following statements is true?

All answers are correct
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Fasten your safety belt snugly
| |
Wear a lap belt around your stomach, not your hips
| |
Use your safety belt only on highways

They have smaller blind spots than most passenger vehicles
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They take longer to stop than a car traveling at the same speed
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All answers are correct
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When turning, the rear wheels follow a longer path than the front wheels
You may legally park in front of a driveway:

At night
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If the driveway is in front of your house
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As long as it is parked for no longer than 15 minutes
To help prevent collision with an animal you should:

Be extra cautious at dusk and dawn
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All answers are correct
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Watch for animal crossing signs
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Scan the sides of the roadway ahead for animals
If you want to turn right to a driveway directly after crossing an intersection, when should you begin signaling?

Before you enter the intersection
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Do not signal at all
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All answers are correct
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After you have entered the intersection
In to which lane should you turn if you are turning left onto a one way road?

Turn into the right lane
Turn into the center lane
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Into the closest lane
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Turn into either of the lanes that are safely open
Receiving a driver's license is a privilege, not a right

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When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should:

Look only at the car ahead of you
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Scan your surroundings
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Look straight ahead at all times
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Look right side at all times
Who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalk?

Pedestrians always have the right-of-way
Vehicles turning left
| |
Vehicles turning right
| |
Pedestrians, but only with the green walk signal

Cross the median to turn around
| |
Stop and back up on the highway
| |
Continue to the next exit and make plans to return to your route
| |
Make a U-turn and try again
When backing up:

Using your mirrors is sufficient to back up safely
Back up slowly
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Sound your horn while backing up
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Look over your left shoulder when backing
When entering a freeway you should:

Stop on acceleration lane, wait for an opening, and then enter the freeway rapidly
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Slow down, and then enter freeway at a sharp angle
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Drive slowly and be prepared to stop for freeway traffic
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Signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly with traffic
Before turning left, the right-of-way should be given to oncoming cars:

Until most cars have passed
Unless they are turning right
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Until it is safe to turn
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None of them
Which of the following is true about double parking?

It is illegal under any circumstances
It is always legal
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It is legal if you wait in the vehicle
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It is allowed if you are making a delivery
Yellow lines are used to separate:

Lanes traffic moving in opposite directions
Lanes traffic moving in same directions
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Traffic lanes on one-way streets
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Bicycle lanes from regular traffic
A single broken line means:

You may change lane if you can do it safely
You must stop under any circumstances
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All answers are correct
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You must change lane after making a complete stop
Under what circumstances can you drive across the solid white line on the right side of a highway?

If you want to pass someone who is waiting to turn left
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Only if other cars cross
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If your car breaks down and needs to pull off the road
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A red light means:

You may proceed
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You may turn right or left
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All answers are correct
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You must stop
Where there is no bicycle lane, on what portion of the road must a bicyclist ride?

ถูก = Ride as close to the right curb as possible
ผิด= Bicyclists cannot ride on roads where there is no bicycle lane
The safest way to enter the flow of traffic on a highway with a very short entrance lane is to:
ผิด= Slow down, and then enter freeway at a sharp angle
When approaching a yield sign:
If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should:
Two parallel lines painted across the road indicate:
Driving only with parking lights:
In the middle of the lane
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Left curb or edge of the road facing traffic
The safest way to enter the flow of traffic on a highway with a very short entrance lane is to:

ผิด= Slow down, and then enter freeway at a sharp angle
Drive slowly and be prepared to stop for freeway traffic
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Use the left lane of the highway to get up to cruising speed
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Wait for a large gap in traffic then speed up quickly
When approaching a yield sign:

You are required to come to a full stop
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Pedestrians must yield to you
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You must slow down and be prepared to stop
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Oncoming traffic must yield to you
If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should:

Increased speed
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Apply the brakes firmly
| |
Drive at a constant speed
| |
Slow down gradually and don’t apply the brakes

An ambulance lane
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A crosswalk for pedestrians
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A crosswalk for police vehicles
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A railroad track

Is advisable when dark
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Is allowed in funeral processions
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Always legal
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Cannot be done, it is illegal