ถูก = There are two or more lanes in your direction
You are passing a large truck
| |
Never, it is illegal
| |
You are in the carpool lane
When entering a blind intersection how should you proceed?

ถูก = Move forward slowly until you can see what is coming
Sound your horn before proceeding
| |
Stop and get out of your car to see if any traffic is approaching
| |
Signal by flashing your lights before proceeding
If you must park on an unlighted highway at night what should you do?

Park perpendicular to the edge of the highway
| |
Turn on your flasher
| |
Leave your parking lights on
| |
All answers are correct
When you are required to yield to an emergency vehicle?

If you are not on a multi-lane highway
| |
Only if other cars yield
| |
| |
If you see a solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line this means:

ถูก = That only vehicles next to the broken line may pass
Pass only when no traffic is sight
| |
That vehicles may pass in all directions
| |
That vehicles next to the solid yellow line may pass
When making a left turn from a single left-turn lane, a green arrow indicates that:

You should yield to pedestrians
| |
Stop for 2 seconds before moving ahead
| |
Oncoming vehicles and pedestrians should yield to you
| |
You should yield to other vehicles
Motorcycles must follow the rules of the road and are considered:

| |
| |
Motorized wheelchair
| |
When you reach a four-way stop at the same time as another car, you must yield to the car:

On your left
| |
The one moving faster
| |
The one moving slower
| |
On your right
Why should you reduce your speed when driving at night?

ผิด = Because there are more cars on the road
Because other drivers drive faster at night
| |
Because everyone is more alert at night
| |
Because your visibility is limited and you need more time to stop
What does the solid white line on the right edge of the road represent?

ถูก = You should never drive across unless in an emergency
A line dividing the pedestrian area and the vehicle area
| |
A line you can cross to pass
| |
A motorcycle lane
To pass a large truck, you must:

All answers are correct
| |
Pass on a downgrade
| |
Make sure you have room to complete the maneuver without excessive speed
| |
Honk and flash your lights to make the truck driver aware of your intentions
You should dim your headlights when:

Within 350 feet of an approaching vehicle
| |
Within 200 feet of an approaching vehicle
| |
Within 500 feet of an approaching vehicle
| |
Within 100 feet of an approaching vehicle
The only way to ensure you have safely checked your blind spot is to:

ถูก = Turn your head and look over your shoulder
Double check your left and right outside Mirrors
| |
Ask the passenger
| |
Use rear view mirror
When driving on the highway where the posted speed limit is 65 mph, yet traffic is traveling at 70 mph or more, how fast may you legally drive?

ถูก = The speed limit posted of 65 mph
The speed of traffic
| |
As fast as you want
| |
70 mph or less
When pulling away from the curb, you should:

Signal and pull from the curb
| |
Sound you horn and pull from the curb slowly
| |
Shoulder check, and then pull out when safe
| |
Signal, check over shoulder, and then pull out when safe
What should you do when coming to a curve?

Brake after you start the curve
| |
Adjust your speed and shift to a lower gear
| |
Brake before entering the curve
| |
Accelerate into the curve for efficiency
It is best to turn your front tires into the curb when you are:

ถูก = Downhill
ผิด = All answers are correct
Level with the curb
| |
When the traffic signal light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through the intersection, what must you do first?

Slow down, proceed when the way is clear
| |
Stop, wait until the light changes to green and the intersection is clear before moving through it
| |
Stop, give pedestrians the right-of-way, and then proceed with caution
| |
Stop, proceed when the way is clear
Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is:

Always appropriate if other people are speeding
| |
A good idea if the weather is bad
| |
Often a hazard since other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you
| |
Appropriate if you do not know the speed limit
The best way to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway is to:

Apply brakes the same way you always do
| |
Put brakes on hard and try to prevent the vehicle from skidding
| |
Brake, if wheels lock then release pressure until you come to a stop
| |
Keep foot off the brake and let the vehicle slow and stop automatically
Who has right-of way when driving in a traffic circle?

| |
Driver exiting
| |
| |
Driver entering
When you come to a corner where there are no traffic lights or stop signs, you should:

ถูก = Slow down, so you can stop, if necessary
ผิด = Always stop, then proceeded when safe
Call for help
| |
Continue at the same speed and watch for traffic
When driving in fog, you should use your:

Parking lights
| |
High beams
| |
Low beams
| |
Fog lights only
Which of the following is a basic step to take after an accident?

ผิด = Care for the injured
Notify authorities
| |
Protect the area
| |
All answers are correct
What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving?

Open the window for some fresh air
| |
Stop for a short rest in a safe area
| |
Reduce speed
| |
Turn up your radio
Which of these statements is true about construction zones?

Slow down only if you think workers are present
| |
Fines are the same for violations committed in construction zones
| |
Fines are less for violations committed in construction zones
| |
You are responsible for the safety of the road workers
When entering a freeway you should:

Stop on acceleration lane, wait for an opening. Then enter the freeway rapidly
| |
Signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly with traffic
| |
Slow down, and then enter freeway at a sharp angle
| |
Drive slowly and be prepared to stop for freeway traffic
What is intersection?

ถูก = Any place where one line of traffic meets another
The space between the driver and rear seat passengers
| |
Two or more streets that meet each other and are controlled by stop signs
| |
Two streets meet each other and are controlled by traffic lights
When encountering a funeral procession you should:

ถูก = Yield the right of way
Flash your lights repeatedly out of respect
| |
Speed up to get ahead
| |
Join the procession behind the hearse
You will find most roads are most slippery during:

The rain at early morning
| |
The first rain after a dry period
| |
The rain at night
| |
A light rain