You can't turn left
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Turn into either of the lanes that are safely open
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Turn into the right lane
| |
Turn into the left lane
Why is it necessary to shoulder-check when changing lanes?

ผิด = It gives you an excuse to check out the people in the next car
Just to be extra-cautious
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It stretches out your neck while driving
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No matter how you adjust your mirrors, you will always have blind spots

Pass at your discretion
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It is unsafe to pass
| |
Overtake and pass with caution
| |
Pass only when no traffic is sight
If another vehicle is trying to pass you on the left, you should:

Move to the left to prevent passing
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Maintain normal speed until they pass you then slow down
| |
Slow down until they pass you, then resume normal speed
| |
Speed up so that passing is not necessary
Passing using the unpaved shoulder is:

ผิด = Permitted when no sidewalks are present
Permitted if there is a gridlock
| |
| |
Always legal
If you're driving on a freeway and a vehicle is attempting to merge into your lane, you should:

ผิด = Reduce your speed quickly so the other vehicle can merge
Do nothing
| |
Accelerate quickly to get out of the merging vehicles way
| |
If possible, safely make room for the merging vehicle

Pull over to let the tailgater pass
| |
Slow slightly to increase the space in front of your car, allowing you extra space to stop more gradually if you need to
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All answers are correct
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Move into another lane
If you are on the other side of a divided highway coming toward a school bus with flashing red lights you should:

ถูก = You can proceed normally
| |
Slow down
| |
Stop if children are present
A school bus is stopped on a 2 way undivided road with flashing red lights, you must:

Speed up and proceed
| |
Wait for the children to exit the bus then proceed
| |
Slow down and proceed cautiously
| |
Stop and wait for the driver to turn off the flashing red lights
When approaching a stop sign where there is no stop line or marked crosswalk at the intersection:

Stop 3 feet back from the intersection
| |
Stop just before you enter the intersection
| |
Stop only if pedestrians are waiting to cross
| |
Slow down and proceed with caution
If you see orange construction signs and cones on an expressway, you must:

ถูก = Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead
ผิด = Slow down because the lane ends ahead
Change lanes and maintain your current speed
| |
Decrease distance to any car ahead
Who must stop when a school bus, with flashing red lights, is stopped on a four lane road with no median separation?

ผิด = Only the traffic behind the school bus
Traffic in both directions must slow down
| |
Only the traffic facing the school bus
| |
Traffic traveling in both directions
Speed limit signs indicate the maximum speed during ideal conditions

| |
If you are in an intersection waiting to turn left and the light turns yellow, you should:

ถูก = Make sure no oncoming cars are trying to beat the red light and complete your turn safely
Drive straight through the intersection before the light turns red, you've missed your chance to turn
| |
Complete your turn as quickly as possible; you are not allowed to be in the intersection when the light turns red
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Back up and wait for the next green light
When waiting to turn left, which way should you have your tires pointed?

To the right
| |
None of them
| |
To the left
| |
Straight ahead
Crosswalks are always:

ถูก = Places for people to walk across the street, whether it is marked or not
ผิด = Have pedestrian crossing electric signal
Marked with Yellow lines
| |
Marked with white lines
When should you use your car's signals?

Moving from the curb or parking lane
| |
| |
All answers are correct
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When changing lanes
The center left turn lane may be used for:

Emergency parking
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Passing slower traffic
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Short term parking
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Beginning left turns or U-turns
You are driving down a two lane road where there is a bicyclist to your right and oncoming traffic approaching on the left. What is the best strategy to pass the bicyclist safely?

ถูก = Wait for the oncoming traffic to pass and then leave a lot of room to pass the bicyclist
Pass and give more room to the oncoming traffic
| |
Pass and give more room to the bicyclist
| |
Speed up and pass quickly
What might you see on a highway that tells you that the lane you are in may force you to turn?

ถูก = A painted arrow in your lane
Yellow lines on the side of the road
| |
A flashing arrow light
| |
Raised red dots
If a vehicle in front of you is stopped at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, you should:

ถูก = Stop before passing this vehicle and make sure there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk
Sound your horn to encourage the vehicle's driver to get going
| |
Pass the vehicle on the right only
| |
Pass the vehicle on the left only
What should you do if you are driving and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you?

Continue at same speed
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Pull to the right as far as possible and stop
| |
Signal the driver to pass
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Speed up and get out of the way
If your car has air bags, you should use your seatbelt:

ถูก = At all times
Unless you are only driving within city limits
| |
| |
Only on the freeway
In a construction area what is a "flagger"

The foreman of the highway construction
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A sign warning of construction ahead
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A person who uses different colored flags and hand signals to let traffic know when to go, stop, or slow down
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Flags directing you away from the road work
When the light is red, you may make a right turn after:

ถูก = All answers are correct
Yielding to pedestrians
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Coming to a full stop
| |
Yielding to oncoming traffic
You are required to stop your vehicle:

Where there is a red light
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At an intersection with a stop sign
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When a traffic officer orders you to stop
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All answers are correct
Which of the following has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the light is green?

ผิด = Pedestrians crossing against the light
Vehicles turning left
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Vehicles turning right
| |
Pedestrians crossing with the light
A U-turn is not permitted:

On a curve
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Where a sign prohibits a U-turn
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All answers are correct
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Near or at the crest of a hill
A traffic light which has a green arrow and a red light means that:

ถูก = You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow
Vehicles moving in any direction must stop
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You may only drive straight ahead
| |
You must wait for a green light
If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time, the right-of-way should be given to:

ถูก = Vehicle approaching from the right
Vehicle approaching from the left
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Neither one
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The one moving faster