ถูก = More time and space for starting, stopping, and turning
Wider lanes
| |
More time for stopping only
| |
More space for turning only
You may pass another vehicle on the right if it is waiting to:

ผิด = Turn into a driveway on the right
Park at the curb
| |
Turn left
| |
Turn right
A lane with a diamond symbol is for:

ถูก = Lane reserved for car-pools
ผิด = Lane reserved for pedestrian
None of them
| |
Lane reserved for parking

Must stay in the left lane at all times
| |
Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn
| |
May complete their turn in either the right or the left lane
| |
Must stay in the right lane at all times
When driving at night, you can reduce the glare from an approaching car's headlights by:

Open and shut your eyes rapidly
| |
Turning your lights on high beam
| |
Looking to the lower right side of your lane
| |
Looking at the headlights of the approaching vehicle

ถูก = Move to the right and let the tailgater pass
Tap your brakes
| |
Speed up and leave them safely behind
| |
Slow down
When the light is red, you may make a left turn if:

None of them
| |
You are on a one-way street and you are turning in to another one way street
| |
You are driving at a high speed
| |
You are about to cross the intersection
Two sets of two yellow lines, with solid lines on the outside and broken lines on the inside, represent what?

A bus stop
| |
A shared passing lane
| |
An area you can never enter
| |
A center left turn lane
A solid yellow line on your side of the road means:

You are in a construction zone
| |
You are in a no passing zone
| |
You may pass with caution
| |
You should reduce speed
It is important to stay well behind large trucks and buses, and out of their blind spots because:

You may not be visible to the driver if you follow too closely
| |
You will not be able to see very well if you follow too closely
| |
You could be crushed between one of these vehicles and the curb if they are turning at an intersection
| |
All answers are correct
You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing uphill and there is no curb present. You should:

ถูก = Turn the steering wheel toward the right
ผิด = Make sure your front wheels are pointed straight
ผิด = Turn the steering wheel toward the left
ผิด = None of them
Pedestrians walking on a highway should walk when safe:

ผิด = On the right-hand side of the road
| |
Facing traffic
| |
On the left-hand side of the road

ถูก = You may never drive off the paved roadway to pass
When you driving small car
| |
There is enough room on the shoulder to do so safely
| |
The vehicle you are attempting to pass is turning left

An antihistamine
| |
A pain reliever
| |
A stimulant
| |
A depressant
Directions given by a police officer overrule:

Neither traffic signs or traffic signals
| |
Traffic signs, but not traffic signals
| |
All traffic signs and signals
| |
Traffic signals, but not traffic signs

ถูก = The method to determine safe following distance
The amount of time elapsed between a tire blow out and loss of control
| |
The amount of time elapsed between a mechanical failure and driver realization that the failure has occurred
| |
The amount of time it takes to react to a road hazard
When is a normal solid white line used as pavement marking between lanes?

When traffic is flowing in the same direction and changing lanes is prohibited
| |
When traffic is flowing in opposite directions
| |
To mark freeway exits
| |
When traffic is flowing in the same direction and changing lanes is discouraged
White lines on the roadway mean:

ถูก = Lanes of traffic move in the same direction
ผิด = Lanes of traffic move in opposite direction
Construction lanes
| |
Same as yellow lines
What causes most rear-end accident?

ถูก = Following other vehicles too closely
ผิด = Failing to pay attention
Weaving in and out of traffic
| |
Looking in your rearview mirror too often
If you are going into a curve too quickly, you should:

ถูก = Ease off the accelerator, and then speed up slightly as you regain traction
ผิด = Slam on your brakes
Steer slightly towards the center of the road
| |
Pull the emergency brake and steer into the curve
A pedestrian using a white cane means that:

ถูก = The pedestrian is blind
| |
The rules of the road do not apply to the pedestrian
| |
When there are two or more lanes, which one you should use for slow driving?

None of them
| |
Left lane
| |
Right lane
| |
Middle lane if there is one

ถูก = Cross them one at a time
Cross quickly
| |
Cross two at a time only
| |
Cross slowly
You may cross solid yellow lines:

ถูก = When you need to turn into a private road or driveway
ผิด = When you need to pass slower traffic
When there is no traffic in the opposite direction
| |
During daylight hours only

ถูก = Yellow
| |
| |
When faced with low visibility conditions while driving, you should:

Slow and maintain extra space margins
| |
Search and scan more carefully
| |
All answers are correct
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Use your defroster to keep your windows clear
You are not allowed to pass a vehicle on the left when:

On a curb when driving on a hill
| |
All answers are correct
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When approaching a curve where you cannot see ahead
| |
There is an oncoming vehicle
Upon approaching an intersection in which a traffic signal is not working how should you proceed?

ผิด = All answers are correct
Yield to traffic entering the intersection
| |
Slow down and look for cars in both directions
| |
Proceed as though the intersection is controlled by a four-way stop sign
If your wheels go off the pavement:

Grip the steering wheel firmly and avoid heavy braking
| |
When the vehicle is under control, steer toward the pavement
| |
All answers are correct
| |
Take your foot off the gas pedal to slow down
You may legally block an intersection when:

When you drive a small car
| |
It is never legal to block an intersection
| |
You entered on a green light
| |
There is extremely heavy traffic